Dr. Gunter has an interest in both allergies and food intolerances. Many health problems go unrecognized and incorrectly diagnosed when frequently the underlying cause is an adverse food reaction (allergies or intolerances).


Allergy testing is done by sending your blood to the Laboratory to test for reactions to airborne allergens and/or food allergies.

Allergies are characterized by an immediate onset of symptoms including itchy palate and skin, swelling of lips, mouth, and throat, Urticaria (swelling of the skin), and certain cases of Asthma.

Food Intolerance tests

Tests are imported from Germany and take 60 minutes to complete.

Food intolerances are typically characterized by the following symptoms: chronic postnasal drip & cough, sinusitis, eczema, joint pain, bloating & IBS, brain fog & chronic headaches.

Testing is done on both adults and children (usually from 12 months of age). In children younger than 12 months who are breastfeeding testing is done on the Mother.

Please email us for more details: info@thehomeopathicdoctor.co.za.

Contact us

Contact Details

Address: Dr Roxanna Gunter
Suite 6, Sunninghill Offices, Sunninghill Village Shopping Centre, Cnr Maxwell Dr & Edison Crescent, Sunninghill, South Africa  

Email: info@thehomeopathicdoctor.co.za

Phone: 064 651 6067

Dr Roxanna Gunter M. Tech. Hom (UJ) Cum Laude/ Pr no 0470392/ Reg no A11178
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