The natural fertility program is suitable for couples who would like to conceive naturally, and usually have tried for 12 months, but with no outcome thus far. In this case after an initial assessment is made doing scans, samples and blood tests, if the individual/couple fall within the sub-fertile range, they are suitable candidates for this type of treatment program.
Couples who have not yet tried to conceive for 12 months but would like to get tested and have a fertility assessment done in advance, are also welcome to book an appointment.
The natural fertility program is suitable for couples whose results fall into the sub-fertile category. Patients may not realise that there is a spectrum of fertility problems, ranging from sub-fertile to infertile. If an individual/couples’ assessment results fall below the fertile range, this may be the reason why pregnancy is not occurring, and they are thus classified as sub-fertile. In the case of the female partner, there may be a hormonal imbalance, irregular menstruation or irregular ovulation for example. In the case of the male, there may be a low sperm count, or too many abnormal forms.
These are functional problems that respond well to expert interventions using acupuncture, lifestyle changes, prescription botanical medication and homeopathic treatment. For patients in this category, going through the natural fertility program helps to rectify these problems, helping couples reclaim their fertility. By treating the underlying condition and root causes in the natural fertility program, the couple can be shifted from being sub-fertile, to being fertile, and thus are able to conceive by natural means. This outcome is verified through blood tests and scans done at the end of the program duration.
Subfertility can be explained by the image on your left: a combination of factors prevent the ability to conceive naturally, causing “the cogs of the system to be blocked” so to speak. The image is a simple rendition of the problem, but in reality, the relationships between these factors are complex, but can be addressed with the expertise of Dr Gunter during the natural fertility program.
Which conditions fall under the sub-fertile range? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis (stage 1, 2), unexplained infertility, hormonal imbalance, irregular menstrual cycles, ovulatory disorders/absent or irregular ovulation, luteal phase conditions, secondary amenorrhea, recurrent miscarriage in women. In men, low sperm count (oligospermia) or too many abnormal morphological forms (teratozoospermia) are examples of sub-fertility. These conditions are diagnosed after the blood tests, samples and scans phase is completed.
The second type of condition on the fertility spectrum is called, Infertility. Infertility means that a couple is not able to conceive naturally, usually due to a structural problem that prevents conception. Treatment for these types of conditions frequently require assisted reproductive technologies, such as IVF. However, currently IVF is used in sub-fertile conditions as well, conditions which may well be able to be rectified. Conditions suitable for assisted reproductive technologies include 2 blocked fallopian tubes, history of multiple ectopic pregnancies, structural issues, pelvic adhesions and stage 3 & 4 endometriosis in women, and azoospermia or structural anomalies in men. In these cases, the acupuncture treatment program can assist in preparation for egg retrieval and frozen embryo transfers by increasing the success rate of these interventions. Research shows that the IVF process combined with acupuncture can increase the likelihood of success by up to 25-30%. Please refer to the acupuncture for IVF page for more information on this treatment option.
Contact us to book your assessment at the first consultation.
“I would like to thank you for being a major part of this journey and miracle that God has blessed me with.”
“Thank you for all your wise words and body work…. I have no doubt that working with you helped open up the possibility of us even getting this far and becoming pregnant naturally!”
“We were trying to conceive for 2 years with no outcome. We did Dr Gunter’s natural fertility program and we were pregnant 1 month later. I carried to full term and am the proud mother of a baby girl. Thank you! ”