Let’s take out the guess work about what you can and can’t eat. Our centre offers accurate ELISA blood testing to test for immunological reactions to food. Food intolerances have multiple effects that mimic other conditions. By adjusting your diet many of your symptoms may be resolved! Eating right for your body helps you lose weight!

Food Intolerance Testing
Getting a professional blood test done with proven accuracy can save you a lot of frustration by clearly identifying which foods are causing you to feel bloated and fatigued. Other symptoms of food intolerances can include IBS, diarrhoea, constipation, stomach cramps, eczema, chronic postnasal drip and sinusitis, especially when seasonal allergies have been excluded.
Weight loss Program
Each person has different physiology. Whilst Keto and Intermittent fasting works for some people, it may do nothing for others. When some people lose weight on banting, others gain weight on banting! How to know what to eat? How to lose weight in a sustainable way that lasts?
Identifying which foods, you can and can’t eat is the most logical way that is tried and tested with over a decade of results!
The process begins with the first consultation at which Dr will send you for relevant medical tests to establish the presence of thyroid issues, insulin resistance or hormonal issues making it difficult for you to lose weight. Measurements will be taken, and the next steps made to get you closer to reaching your goal.

I consulted with Dr R about 2 months ago. I was met with warmth and kindness. She prescribed meds to help me with my weight loss and balance my hormones. I also did a food test and got a meal plan based off the results. 8 weeks later, I have lost 11cm around my waist. I still have another 8 weeks to go and excited for the outcome.”
After Dr’s assessment and blood tests, I took the medications and changed my diet and lost 5cm around my waist and 2cm around my thighs in the first 4 weeks. What I like about it is that it isn’t a crash diet, it’s something I can continue with until I reach my goal weight.”
The food intolerance test really helped me. I was constantly bloated and felt uncomfortable after eating. After doing the test and changing my diet, I no longer have any of those issues.”